Making Art in the Tiny Cracks of Time You Have

When I started to create art after my daughter was born, I didn’t have the luxury of time on my hands. Flash forward to 2019 and I hadn’t made a body of work in over nine years. There was portrait work, crochet, and project for my daughter here and there, but really time was one of my excuses. Mine and my daughter’s health was another big factor.

Learning to use the bits of time that I had whether I felt good, awake or ready was one of the real reasons I was able to create again. I’m glad that I kept showing up and I’m glad that I figured out a way to fill those tiny moments with something that is important to my mental health.


Julia Cameron said it best “Our days are chopped into segments, and if we are to be creative, we must learn to use the limited time we have.”

Holly D. Gray