My First Saggar Pottery Firing - Raku Kiln

This past weekend I was able to participate in a Saggar ceramic firing at Windstorm Studio. The saggar process speaks to my love of the unknown when it comes to art-making. Reminiscent of the surprises found in Holga photography, Saggar pottery is full of colorful wonderment.

Saggar Pottery Bisque Firing HollyDGray

A thin coating of Ferric Chloride on bisque ware… throw in some organic material, copper wire, steel wool and a heavy dose of salt and you’ve got the recipe. Wrap your ingredients in foil and fire away. The whole firing took around 20 minutes.

Saggar Firing Pottery HollyDGray

What I was left with was a combination of beautiful reds, pinks, greens and browns.

Saggar Pottery Hollydgray

All that was left to do was a quick wash and a light sanding. Beautiful. I can’t wait to try this process with my sculptural works. It’s SO satisfying. Many many thanks to Windstorm Studio for having me over!

Holly D. Gray